Leisure Education

Leisure education provides valuable insight into leisure, recreation, hobbies, and pursuits to gain an understanding of leisure and its meaning to us in our current lifestyles as well as the ins and outs of accessing the opportunites.

Am I Satisfied With My Leisure Quiz

Take a quick quiz to see if you are satisfied with your leisure time.

The 4 Stages Of Retirement

Retirement may be a time of leisure and relaxation, or a busy time with new leisure activities.

The Power of Regret: Use It To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Most people view regret as a negative emotion, but it can be a powerful motivator.

Retirement Pros & Cons

Retirement Pros & Cons – retirement may be the best thing you have ever done, or it may be more challenging than you know.

Life Events, Triggers & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Life events can trigger post traumatic stress disorder discover why it happens, the signs, outcomes and tools to help,

Overcoming Barriers In Your Leisure Pursuits

How to overcome barriers that can prevent you from participating in leisure pursuits.

Fear And How It Affects Us

Fear is more than just the slight tingle you get on your skin when you sense danger.

How Leisure Activities Improve Quality of Life in Retirement

Integrating leisure activities into your retirement will improve your quality of life.

Boredom in Retirement: Top Ways To Combat

Some are confused by what to do in retirement or they are bored. Here are the top ways to combat boredom.

Why Leisure Is Important In People’s Lives? 

Leisure time looks different to everyone, but we all agree leisure is important as it adds energy and flavor to our individual lives and is an important aspect.

Social Anxiety and Participation in Leisure Activities

Leisure activities that most people would not think twice about can cause significant distress for those dealing with social anxiety.

How To Manifest A Better Life This Year

How to Manifest is by harnessing the power of your mind and getting clear on what you want.