How to Take the Feeling of Inspiration and Put It into Action

  • Time to read: 7 min.

Inspiration is all around us. It can come from a song we hear, an idea for a new project, or even just watching someone else be happy.

You might be inspired by a great work of art or literature, a beautiful moment from nature like the sunset over the ocean on the Fourth of July. Maybe when you look up at night and see stars shining brightly, the sight inspires awe because we’re seeing light-years away into space and can imagine all the possibilities that could be.

Inspiration encourages us to be creative; we think of the possibilities for the future and contemplate how vast our universe is. How to take the feeling of inspiration and put it into action is one of the most profound growth opportunities any of us have.

How You Become Inspired

Inspiration touches inside us, a feeling that motivates us to do something or gives us an idea about what to do or create. For example, someone could look at an abstract painting with light purple colors with blue strokes and has touches of yellow and green mixed together. The person is inspired and may want to create their own artwork using these different vibrant hues or try recreating this art for the first time because they are captivated by what they see before them.

It makes them feel happy and hopeful.

The same can apply if one reads an article, book, or literary masterpiece, listens to music or a speech, talks with another person, or being outside in nature amongst the trees, flowers, and animals. Inspiration arises from all things that touch us.

Is The Inspiration Momentary, Or Monumental?

Is the effect of inspiration only temporary, or can it last long enough to help you achieve your goals. One study found that people who were exposed to inspiring videos felt more optimistic and motivated immediately afterward. However, the effects didn’t last long; after a few hours, their moods had returned to normal.

Another study found that people who read stories about others achieving their goals experienced a increase in motivation that lasted up to two weeks. So it seems that while the initial burst of inspiration may not stick around for long, the impact of a more lasting inspiration can be significant.

If it is monumental, try to note down the idea in a notebook or document. Writing can help you revisit your thoughts later and develop them further. If it is momentary, then search for something that triggers more of this feeling.

Knowing what inspires us is a great way to regenerate ourselves when stressed or anxious. Inspiration is the fuel that keeps us going. It’s not always easy to access, but it can be worth the effort when we do get there.

Tips On Taking Inspiration And Putting It Into Action

1. Visit the inspiration internally

Look inside and think about what is going on in your life and why the inspiration has touched you. Accessing inspiration is learning what inspires you and why. Revisiting the inspiration internally can help you when in difficult times and provide you with the motivation to move forward.

Some people find inspiration in nature; others enjoy spending time with friends or family. Others feel inspired after taking a walk or engaging in physical activity.

Once you have determined what inspires you and what feeling arises within you to want to be creative or make a change within yourself, you may ask, how do I do move forward with this inspiration?

2. Ask: What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?

You can utilize this question in directing the inspiration to come into action. This meaning will be different for each person and require a little more thought than you may think. 

Review with yourself honestly; who are you? What does your life consist of currently?

Each person needs to know themselves before making any commitments, especially those that might affect them on deep emotional levels.

3. Take Small Steps When Taking Action On Your Inspiration

A person who is inspired may take small steps and not expect to jump in big. Jumping in big works for some, but most end up feeling overwhelmed, leading to a loss of inspiration. Allow your mind the time to process all the information you have obtained, and this takes patience.

The best way for someone who is newly inspired or has had lots of new ideas pop into their mind during the day would be to focus on one idea at a time so that it doesn’t become overwhelming again. Make note of all ideas that come to you.

Then write down what you want to work on first thing when you wake up tomorrow morning.

4. Create a plan of action

Ok, you were inspired and have had a moment where you visualized how brilliant everything will be when you’re finished. To begin this journey, you need a plan of action.

It’s helpful to work backward from the end result to the beginning and outline what needs to be done. Start with brainstorming different topics/ideas/steps and phases that are relevant.

Take some time to explore ideas by writing down all that comes into your head. Write everything down even if you’re unsure where it may fit later when you have more information.

Then go back through each idea one by one and evaluate it and rank it. Pick the first task, and then make a plan for how you will tackle the task. For example, “I will write my essay tonight from 7 pm to 9 pm. 

The plan may take 1 step or 30 steps. 

5. Break the task down into steps needed for your idea and take them one at a time

Remember, start small and take baby steps instead of tackling the entire project. Do some research on the topic. You may learn something new or find that what you thought would be step one is step nine. That’s ok. One step is complete. Go and complete the next step.

The breakdown of the task into steps is a plan, and plans are revised as information and experience are gained. Schedule each step required on your calendar to keep your momentum moving forward.

6. How do I take my moment of spark & turn it into action?

You need to make room in your day for your new inspiration. Before your inspiration, your day was full of activities. When you become inspired and decided to make a change, you need to create a space in your daily routine for this to happen.

The easiest way to make the space is to create a routine for your day and stick with it. Maybe you decide the morning is the best time to make room for your inspiration. Alternatively, you may choose to spend your fifteen-minute coffee break at work, or when you get home from work in the evening, spend an hour on whatever steps are needed to see your inspiration come to life.

This routine might sound like a lot at first glance, but think how much more accomplished and fulfilled you will feel.

7. Start small and gradually build

Don’t set yourself up to fail by overscheduling your day. Work into it over time with positive results at your fingertips. The process of creating a new space in your day and life, planning for the time you want to devote, and figuring out what will work for your schedule, is a part of progress.

You are on a new journey. We all want quick positive results and things to happen quickly, but new routines require time to take root. Being human, it is also important not to beat yourself up when you slip back into old habits or make mistakes – just get right back on track.

Be patient with yourself and know that these changes are for the better.

8. Take time to reflect daily

Whether you are still keenly inspired or find your inspiration dulling, reflect on what went well and why daily. Reflecting on your accomplishments of the day and seeing where you can improve for tomorrow provides direction and keeps our inspiration alive within us.

See the review as an opportunity that will lead to growth in both productivity and your overall mood. Look back at how the inspiration made you feel inside initially. Revisit the inspiration and the feeling by physically reading, walking, watching a thing or place. Are you able to internally review that moment of inspiration to feel that way again? If not, what is impeding you?

Try journalling your experience, there are many benefits to journaling. Is there a task looming that may be causing doubt? What can you do now so this doesn’t happen again? Are you able to delegate or outsource tasks that would be best suited for others with different skillsets and strengths than yours? Are your expectations and the reality of your life clashing? Do you need more time before you can implement the inspiration?

Balance is vital, and waxing and waning when making a change or creating a project is expected. We are human, and we are imperfect. We need to accept this, deal with it and make adjustments when needed. Allow yourself time and space in which such thoughts may come about through mindful reflection, meditation, relaxation, contemplation.

Once you have found your way back to the original feeling from the inspiration, you will be stronger and more committed to your dreams.

9. Get the support and encouragement you need from friends, family, or mentors

Many people will want to help and be supportive of your endeavors. Sometimes all it takes is a phone call asking for advice on how to make something work. There are no stupid questions – never hesitate to ask anything.

There may also be those who are not supportive. You can support yourself by practicing mindfulness and meditation.

10. Keep Going

We all have tough times and discouraging moments. The action we take in discouraging moments will determine our success to a great extent.

We need always to keep pushing forward. Keep your inspiration alive and refuse to give up on yourself or your dreams, and never compare yourself and your progress with others.

You are you – unique and dynamic.

Final Thought

Inspiration: The moment when the external experience resonates within our internal world.


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